Common Construction Safety Hazards in Dubai and How to Avoid Them
Dubai Approvals
November 25, 2021
The construction industry in Dubai has changed remarkably in the past decades. The government and development sector has come a long way in evolving the desert land into a concrete empire. Dubai showcases high precedence to the development of the living and work environment upgrading the lifestyle while keeping it humble on sustaining cultural significance. Authorities such as Dubai Civil Defence see through the possible ways to ensure the safety of the public and workers while construction developments roll out in every corner of the city.
We have seen the advancement of construction technology all over the world building better and safer structures to live and work in. This advancement may provide improved structure and infrastructure, however, the construction industry is yet one of the most dangerous in the world without the proper safety precautions and practices. The Dubai Civil Defence Department of Preventive Safety has been intensifying its standards and regulations to help avoid construction safety hazards. It is important to know about these safety risks in construction and what does it take to avoid them.
Common Construction Safety Hazards and Precautions
Construction may be one of the riskiest sectors to work in, however, the implementation of safety precautions comes with the existence of hazards regardless of the industry or the circumstances. Here are the most common safety hazards that are responsible for the majority of construction fatalities, and the precaution standards that may help to prevent further casualties impost by authorities such as Dubai Civil Defence to acquire DCD approvals.
Falls are the common accidents in construction. Regardless of how high or low a structure is falling could still result in a crippling or even fatal injury. Preventing falls could be possible with the strict implementation of the usage of proper fall arrest systems.
Electrical Exposure
This is a safety hazard that is expected whenever a live wire is existent. Preventive measures for electrocution such as LOTO or lock-out/tag-out routine which is necessary for equipment that requires repairs or maintenance.
An extensive risk is caused by a variety of material fragments in different shapes and sizes. Workers and even the public can be in danger from these falling objects which can result in casualties. Safety measures such as wearing of appropriate Personal Protective Equipment or PPE like hard hats for on-site workers. For the public be cautious by using the allotted pedestrian walks or crossings or take an alternative way if possible when passing by a construction site.
Caught-In or Caught-Between
One of the most dangerous circumstances that cause serious injuries and death. The risk may happen when a part of the structure collapses or falls. The best way to prevent this safety hazard is to administer precautions keeping pedestrians from probable hazard points or areas.
Noise Hazards
Hearing difficulty instances happened to construction workers who suffered from noise hazards from their on-site job. The exposure to noise hazards can be minimized or even eliminated through the usage of hearing protection equipment and proper PPE.
Hand-Arm Vibration Syndrome
Working with heavy vibrating equipment for a prolonged period of time might result in HAVS or Hand-arm vibration syndrome, a condition that involves muscle weakness, permanent nerve damage, and other issues. Taking frequent breaks while operating heavy equipment is simple prevention that needs to be implemented to prevent excessive damage.
Air Quality
There are various sources that can negatively affect the air quality within the construction vicinity such as smoke from vehicle exhaust, fiberglass fragments, inhalable silicon dust, and many more. These variables can put everyone on the site at risk of respiratory conditions. However, can be intercepted in multiple ways which include proper ventilation and provision of respirators in prone areas.
Lack of PPE
Without the strict implementation of utilizing Proper Protective Equipment, safety can always be at risk. Workers can use specific PPE that is essential and designed for their particular work line. Specific PPE includes respirators for poor air quality conditions, gloves to pre-empt electrocution, hard hats to prevent falling materials, and many other types of equipment preventing injury or death.
Fire Hazards
High risks stand along when working with fire hazards such as corrosive chemicals and flammable materials. These substances might cause explosions and fire breaks endangering workers and the public. Dubai Civil Defence is one of the authorities worldwide greatly implementing fire safety regulations in their respective jurisdictions ensuring that all flammable chemicals or materials are properly stored with the fire safety plan applied. And that every worker must learn and understand fire prevention and their responsibilities during the occurrence of fire or explosion.
Making Dubai Construction Sites Safe
Construction in Dubai may be one of the fastest-growing industries and the safety risks would always existent yet can be prevented. DCD implements prevention methods which are set as standards for acquiring approvals and NOCs. The common safety hazards stated can be prevented through the standards provided by authorities, yet safety varies on the implementation of safety plans in the construction sites.